What to do now


Dear ones,

I received your phone calls and texts. I read your posts on Facebook. I see your tears. I hear the hurt. I am with you. I believe her and I believe you. You are not crazy.

Here is what we do now. 

We remember we live in a world that was not made by us or for us. 
We remember that in our lifetime we have to live in two places, the world we have inherited and the world we are inventing.
We work the system. We make the calls. We write the postcards. We get out the vote. We protest. 


We dream.
We invent.
We make new language.

Dr. Ford talked about a memory that was seared into her hippocampus. 
In 1987 Toni Morrison birthed a word for us in Beloved
She named this kind of memory 
plugged into an always-on power socket 
with ongoingness 
breaking time past and present
A reader
who gets rememory
is blessed with the difficult gift of Beloved
and recognizes the meaning of
Two front doors.

Get off the internet.
Throw out the paper.

Find your allies and be with them.
For the love of everything sacred 
Find your circle 
Pray and dance
Make magic and art
Alter your state 
so you can
and you never have been.

The women of Liberia 
ended a bloody civil war
with prayer
a white t-shirt
and their naked bodies.

It is time to give thanks to our teachers
to the artwomen and prayerwomen
and sciencewomen and businesswomen
and motherwomen who dare
to spin their own yarns
and to the men who say yes to their brilliance.

Rest. Refuel. Get back to your sacred work.
We need you.

Stay with it. Breathe.

Nancy Campana