Five Beautiful Things
This week, I really enjoyed reading Tara Mohr's post called Five Beautiful Things. I especially appreciated that looking for beauty is a strategy she chose to turn to in a moment of stress and frustration. That feels like a fit for me too (we all have our different ways of managing stress) and reminds me of a post I wrote last summer about how preschool teachers are masters at instructing children to turn to their senses to shift moods.
My buddy Laurel, took Five Beautiful Things to the next level and blogged her own version, which I loved. So I thought I'd do one too. Thanks for the inspiration, friends!
We're in Tahoe now, and the word that comes to mind here is glittering. The lake, the aspen leaves, even the air itself, vibrates with light. I love watching the natural world create a visual effect that I usually experience in a more hand-made crafty way. I love encountering glitter in any context!
And then there are the trees. All over this property there are various versions of pine trees grouped together in clusters, giving meaning to a "stand of trees." Like a group of friends standing around at a cocktail party..friendly, convivial, giving shelter. Comforting and lovely.
A morning cup of tea in front of it all. No description necessary!
While here, I'm enjoying the beauty of time, long stretches of do nothing time, which for me often turns into doodling and painting. No pressure to produce something special, just playing, often with the kids. This is some of my favorite type of parenting time.
And most beautiful of all, is time with friends. We are here with Graham's best friend from high school and his family who are from Austin (I want to spend more time there!). It is amazing to see the depth of connection between the two dads. When I first met Graham, one thing about him that inspired me was the group of friends he had created for himself. I had actually never encountered such warm, connected, deep men in my life. Across the board they were (and continue to be) strong without being macho, committed, smart and funny. Graham's BFF from high school set a high bar for those college friends, and I'm loving connecting with him and the family he and his wife have created.