My Wedding Book is on its way!
Blog friends,
I am so excited! I will self-publish my first book this month.
It's a simple guide to writing a wedding ceremony that will be especially handy for couples who have chosen a family member or friend to officiate at their wedding.
The book includes a reliable outline for a simple non-denominational wedding, a set of reflection questions for the couple getting married, the answers to which flow directly into the writing of the ceremony, and some tips about the writing process for a project like this.
It's simple. It's encouraging. And what I love most about it is that it is a stake in the ground for what I really believe. Whether or not we are part of a religious tradition, we all deserve to experience a rich and expressive spiritual life. Each one of us is part of the larger, universal whole, and life milestone ceremonies, like weddings, give us the opportunity to experience our own belonging--in our family, in our community and as a part of the greater human family.
As a part of bringing this work out into the world, I have connected with a fabulous new progressive wedding magazine that launched in January. It's called Catalyst. Vibrant, edgy, delicious, disruptive--this magazine gives you a view into the weddings you've wanted to see, celebrations that are full of color, individuality, passion. Even if you walked down the aisle years ago, you will feel a burst of liberation when you connect with how unapologetically real and diverse these celebrations are.
I've written a piece called "Nine New Vows for Modern Couples," that will appear in their print magazine in January, and this week I've written a blog post for them that examines whether or not Obergefell vs. Hodges, the recent Supreme Court case legalizing same sex marriage, discriminates against single people. Go check them out. The site sparks thinking and joy alike. SO FUN!
Also this month, I'll be sending the book proposal to a few more agents. Wish me luck!