


Ludicrous in Khôra

The Tesla S-80 with its burly torque arrived at our house in the middle of the pandemic. Ludicrous Mode was a new feature that season and it fit our mood. Tragedy is sad of course, but it's also hilarious. This is something they don’t tell you. When the car arrived, we got in it and my husband pressed Ludicrous on the flat screen. We drove out our driveway. Left onto Laurel, right onto Oak Grove. We stopped at the light where we always do. More >

The Return, appeared in the Postpartum Progress Mother's Day Rally May 2015

"During my Honeymoon in Bali, I had read that the Balinese deal with trauma by returning to the scene a year or more later to reintegrate spirit that gets left behind in the wake of horrible events. They return to the place, passing through step by step to pick up the threads of the self that got snagged in the jagged edge of terror. I clung onto this wisp of spiritual advice gleaned from a brochure, like it might be a Hail Mary pass that could win me my sanity. I walked back into the hospital where my first daughter was born with the desperate hope of the faithful in my heart." More >


Friday Nights, appeared in the Jung Journal August 2014

"When we clinked our glasses and said "Cheers" that night, the chiming sound rose above us and around us, rippling a chorus of praise to our ancestors who taught us without teaching. Whether or not they were Jews, we will probably never know with the exactitude the age of science craves. And yet, what we know for sure is that they survived, and by surviving, Jewish or not, they passed on the light of the mitzvah." More >


Badass Moms, appeared in Scholastic Parent & Child Spring 2014

"I look up and realize, I'm doing it.  In a whoosh of water and wind, I'm released from gravity and thought. I don't want the ride to end." More >


The Gift, appeared in Cup of Comfort for Mothers 2012

"My grandmother loved gardenias, Hershey bars with almonds, Joy Perfume, and tall men. She cooked beef stroganoff, rack of lamb, and many other hearty American fare every night for her husband and six children. Six feet tall, with a flare for eclectic fashion, a deep throaty laugh, and a slim brown cigarette burning between her fingers, she stood out wherever she went." More >