Friday January 11, 2013

Every Friday we light candles.  

We light them for ourselves and for everyone.


"Every day is a new day.
The moment is what we have"


After some positive feedback about a journaling prompt in December, we will be experimenting with journaling prompts.  On Friday we started off with a New Year's prompt from Tara Mohr.  We percolated on whether or not this exercise inspired a word for the year or not.

I've included a few portions of Tara's New Year's prompt, to give you a taste.  What does it feel like to you to think of being more radical?  If you were going to be more radical what would you do?  I'm so curious!

"1. Because I wanted to make 2013 count, I…


4. Because the things that brought me joy in childhood still do, in 2013 I…

5. Because simple pleasures are so rich, in 2013 I…


12. Because I vowed to be more radical, in 2013 I…"

Cristina Spencer1 Comment