One Little Word

Last year, inspired by my friend, Laurel, I signed up for Ali Edwards' online class called One Little Word.  I'm going to do it again for two reasons: 

I liked the experience of living with a word, and seeing how that single concept worked on me over the course of a year.

And this class is all about getting visual with a word.  

Paying attention to the visual aspect of my life gave me a fresher more direct experience of my day to day.  

Here are a couple of my pages:


I'll be honest, this class wasn't easy for me.  I'm not a scrap booker by nature, and the monthly pace was more than I could keep up.  Even so, that visual prompt was so beneficial. 

Last year, in anticipation of a schedule that changed frequently until this past September, I chose the word flexible. Working with flexible taught me that, for me, right now, I have to be firm to be flexible.  With the three girls at ages 8,6 and now 3, my days can feel reactive.  I  do better with some structure and systems, so that I know when I can be flexible.  A little structure also seems to help reduce the number of times a day I feel overwhelmed.

This year, my word is celebrate, as in to observe with ceremony, to keep with some element of festivity, and to notice, savor, and revere.  This will involve my role as a Lifecycle Ceremony Celebrant, experimenting with wearing that cloth a little more fully, and trying out for myself different kinds of simple ceremonies to help frame what is happening in my life right now.

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